Sunday, June 14, 2009

My 1st Cup Cake Decoration Class..haha..

Yersterday,i have attend a class : Cup Cake Decoration at Pandan Indah..
yap.. i really like this class loo..

The Sifu teached us how to make cup cake- oh, this is easy and just followed the recipe then can make it liao.. the process of making cup cake seems easy for me.. haha..

then we learned how to prepare BUTTERCREAM and FONDANT. hah.. here need sometime to prepare it.. set up the ingredients, and just follow step by step loo.. Buttercream - need to let the machine do it lah..and need more time to make it soft and fluffy ya..

Fondant - it's a kind of decorating tools on cupcakes loo.. can eat, can decorate, can put many colours and can rough it to many shapes, can make it 2D or 3D and so on looo all the way in the class was fun..

what make me so headache is-don know how to deco the cupcake using fondant.. haha.. need creativity lah.. but it's my 1st time, of cox a bit slow to thingking the decoration ya..but i promise that i can make it next time and more pattern de.. hehe..

Friday, June 12, 2009

一輩子的錯誤 (paste)

我們太容易犯 下各種「小小」的「失誤」,每一個失誤的後果,都難以追回,因為,「失誤」的「行程」比光速還快。給我們所愛的 , 愛我們的 ,人多一次機會吧

畢 業典禮完了,一家人回到家中。他心中期望著,他家門會停著那輛,他最喜歡的新車。沒想到,一回到家,什麼徵象也沒有。

只 見他爸爸笑咪咪地,從書房裡捧出一本燙金的 聖經 來,對他說: 「兒子啊,老爸真高興你畢業了 ! 」當時,一股幾乎是來自地獄裡的怒氣,充塞了這個兒子。他沒想到,自己所敬愛的父親,會是如此無聊又無恥的混帳東西。他二話不說, 掉轉了頭,就往外走。 一走就走了三十幾年。


他 看著那個 「 混帳老頭 」下了喪。扶著傷心的母親,回到了家中,當他走進他昔日的房間裡。他看他兒時所有的一切,都沒有變,只是在他的書桌上,躺著一本 聖經,那本令他徹底失望的「畢業禮物 」。 這時,他對「爸爸 」 的情緒,是複雜的。
但往日的怒火, 畢竟已消散了許多。 他坐下來. 開始翻著,他三十多年前拒絕的「禮物」。他發現聖經 內頁所夾的紙條上有著父親的筆跡:

「 給我心愛的兒子.湯米: 願你 如鷹展翅上騰. 奔跑 卻不困倦,行走卻不疲乏。」他又翻過一頁,展現在他面前的,是一張 發黃了的支票:

那 票額,正是當初,他看中的一部車子的價錢, 而那日期,正是他高中畢業的日期。湯米的驚訝難以用文字形容,他的愧悔更是無法用任何行為來減輕的。 只是當時那份年輕的愚思,使他失去了一生最寶貴的父子親情, 而最奇怪的是,漫長的三十年中,他從來沒有想過: 自己的判斷,可能是錯誤的, 失望的憤怒使他相信了一個致命的謊言: 那個愛他十八年的父親, 便在一夜之間,變成一個可怕的惡魔, 使他無法容忍。

湯米不是唯一陷在 這種陷阱中的人。 我們每一個人的一生,有多少次, 是用了一個小小的「失誤 」,而鑄成了一生無法彌補的大錯呢 ? 因為,我們太容易犯下各種「小小」的「失誤」。 但是,每一個失誤,所能造成的後果,卻是難以追回的。

切記「失誤」的「行程」,走得比光速還要快!勿因一時衝動而遺終身之憾 ,畢竟有些事情不是一眼就能看清的,太多的可能會使我們看不到真相而作了錯誤的判斷!以致遺憾終身!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Yeah.. Finally i have my midterm school holiday looo..
relax and feel no burden ya..
i still did nothing loo.. just want to enjoy the time at home and relax..
and of cox have to do the houseworks.. sigh..

Yesterday i have my 1st trial doing egg tarts.. the result not bad... at least the tarts not burnt up.. haha..
the the filling of the tarts still taste nice..
my hubby tried last night, said very good..hehe..
but i don have any camera,if not, can take the photos of it and the process doing it..
it's very simple loo..(anyone need the recipe, i can show to u ya..)

hmmm.. today i do nothing, just planning do facial and massage at the center loo.. haha..
if life just easy like this then would be good ya..