Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Chinese New Year

It's the time we're waiting for.. yeah.. chinese new year is coming soon..
wah.. usually and always this time, we all getting busy have house cleaning (da shao chu).
wooo.. it's really been a hard job for me..

A house, imagine have to clean each area of the house!!>> <<
Waaaa.. hard time and tired job..
1st - have to sweep little single dust on window, wall ( got spider web ), the table and its underneath.. and so so..

2nd - our sleeping room, d cupboard, bedsheet, tidy up all the clothes and so so again..

3rd - kitchen.. the hardest job..clean and clear all use and unuse thing.. wah..i usually clean it oledi, but still got so much dirt and "ka chua".. shit.. need to buy something to kill them ya..

4th - store room.. my store room actually is a sleeping room..but now full of things and boxes.. i m headache when walking to this room.. have clear so many things but still got so many in it.. why?? because of someone, always buy and put unneccessary items in it, then will not clear it at all.. so for me,the room is a "shit" room..

5th - staircase - clean it and mop it as well..

6th - check and clean all the dust all around the corner,table..and so so..

7th - mirror..

8th - pack up cant wear clothes and donate to charity or someone needed.

9th - carposh..

10th - wash my car.

11th - the cyiling ( inside and outside house)

12th - my little daughte, CoCo, make sure she take bath and have enough drinks and foods.

13th - the refrigirator and washing machine, clean it before it has smell.

14th - decoration, this year, i don do much on this.. hehe..

15th - sweep and mop the floor every single area in the house.

i think i still got 16th, 17th and..... cant remember what i want to do now oledi..

oh ya, another thing, the food and mandarin orange for visitors looo..

and ANG PAO as well..

cham lah..got so many thing lah..
i still got someplace not yet clean up lo.. especially the store room.. the hatest part for me..

plssss... someone help me woooo.. anybody volunteer?? i give u Ang Pao ya.. haha..

wat i have to do tomoro ah?? let me think think..

Tuesday, January 13, 2009





黄瓜还有一种特殊的美容功能,用黄瓜汁来清洁和保护皮肤,或用捣碎的黄瓜来舒展皱纹都颇为有效。最简便易行的方法,是将黄瓜切片抹患处,每日2~3次,此方法适用于防治因日晒引起的皮肤 发黑、粗糙等,因黄瓜中所含的黄瓜油对吸收紫外线有良好的作用

黄瓜敷面护肤法 将新鲜黄瓜去皮切片,立即贴于刚洗净的脸部,再用手指轻按黄瓜片,使其不脱落,20分钟后揭下。经常用此法,可使皮肤细嫩滑爽。

1. 将黄瓜洗净切薄片直接贴于脸部,具有润肤、增白、除皱的作用。

2. 黄瓜汁是很棒的紧肤水。把黄瓜汁均匀涂在脸上,15分钟后用清水洗干净,可以收紧毛孔。

3. 一个蛋清加入少许面粉和黄瓜汁,调成糊状,每晚涂在脸上,30分钟后清水洗去,可使皮肤光滑细腻.

4. 将小黄瓜捣碎,加一些蜂蜜,沾抹在脸上,持之以恒之后,肌肤也会变得白净。

5. 黄瓜面膜:鲜黄瓜汁加入奶粉、蜂蜜适量,风油精数滴调匀后涂面,20-30分钟后洗净,具有润肤、增白、除皱的作用。可以去斑,能消除黑眼带。

黄瓜具有摄取身体多余热量的作 用,还能消除皮肤的发热感,使发热皮肤平稳,同时排出毛孔内积存的废物,去除褐斑,使肌肤更加美丽,特别对容易出汗及脸上常长小疙瘩的人更适宜。

把一根新 鲜黄瓜切成薄片,先用热毛巾在脸部仔细擦拭,接着仰面将黄瓜片逐一贴在脸部。鼻子等不好贴的部位,可以把黄瓜切成半片贴在上面。保持10分钟左右,最后再 用热毛巾把面部擦拭干净。黄瓜美容法坚持每天做一次,能使皮肤更柔润,毛孔内不会积存污物,肌肤焕然一新。